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ATEQ TPMS Announces New Location in Metro Detroit
Livonia, MI – Answering the demand for innovative TPMS solutions, ATEQ TPMS Tools, LC announces the opening of a newATEQ TPMS building officially open office location in Livonia, MI. ATEQ has been present in the Metro Detroit area since 1993. After moving to Livonia in 2009 with three divisions of ATEQ in one building, the TPMS division grew to be bigger than one roof could handle.
With a high market demand for efficient and reliable TPMS tools and solutions, ATEQ has continued to experience tremendous growth. In one year, the ATEQ TPMS work force has increased by 30% for sales, technical support, shipping, repairs, accounting and marketing. The new TPMS building has over 4,800 sq. ft. of space, including multiple offices, conference room, enclosed area dedicated for technical support and repairs as well as plenty of warehouse space for inventory stock. The new building is directly behind the old building location where it now houses ATEQ Corp. and ATEQ Aviation, LC.
35990 Industrial Road
Livonia, MI 48150
Office: 734-838-3100
Support: 888-621-TPMS
Email: tpms@atequsa.com
Media contact: sheila.stevens@atequsa.com
ATEQ TPMS, a division of ATEQ, is the leading manufacturer of TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) diagnostic tools and solutions, chosen by Automotive and Commercial Vehicle Aftermarkets, OEMs and Assembly Lines and used by the broadest spectrum of customers globally. As the number one supplier of TPMS tool solutions, ATEQ sells and services to more than 50,000+ customers worldwide.
ATEQ has exhibited at both SEMA and AAPEX since 2005...
The newest location is officially open for TPMS sale...
ATEQ TPMS Tools, LC is proud to announce Renan Ludsc...