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Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi 09h00-17h30


ATEQ TPMS Tools releases update for WebVT portal


ATEQ announced on Friday an update for the WebVT portal, version 8.16, to all ATEQ TPMS tool users, which includes all-new features and functions.

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Mise à jour logicielle européenne Q1 2021


ATEQ est fière d’annoncer sa dernière mise à jour logicielle pour le VT36, le VT46 (incluant toutes les versions de la marque pour cet outil) et le VT56, incluant les nouveaux modèles de véhicules, la mise à jour des capteurs d'origine et des informations de réapprentissage, la couverture ajoutée pour les modèles de véhicules de 2021, la couverture mise à jour des capteurs du marché secondaire.

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2021 January Software Update Release Notes, Europe


ATEQ is proud to announce the latest January 2021 software release for the VT36, VT46 (including branded versions) and VT56 which includes new vehicle models, updated OE sensor and relearn information, added coverage for 2020 vehicle models, updated aftermarket sensor coverage.

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2020 October Software Update Release Notes, Europe


ATEQ is proud to announce the latest October 2020 software release for the VT36, VT46 (including branded versions), VT55 and VT56 which includes new vehicle models, updated OE sensor and relearn information, added coverage for 2020 vehicle models, updated aftermarket sensor coverage.

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2019 December Software update release notes, Europe


ATEQ is proud to announce the December software release for the VT36, VT46 (including branded versions), VT55 and VT56. The update includes new and updated vehicle models, OE-sensor and relearn information and new Aftermarket sensors.

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