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ATEQ TPMS Tools announces the addition of the itSens sensor by tyremotive to ATEQ tools


ATEQ announced the addition of the new itSens TPMS sensor by tyremotive to ATEQ TPMS tools in Europe, further adding to the aftermarket sensors in the tools

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ATEQ TPMS Tools releases update for WebVT portal


ATEQ announced on Friday an update for the WebVT portal, version 8.16, to all ATEQ TPMS tool users, which includes all-new features and functions.

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ATEQ is hosting a NEW training Webinar for the German Market!


ATEQ is hosting another training webinar for the German market! This training includes a detailed look at the VT56, consisting of step-by-step instructions, a look at the features and functions of the tool, and training on the brand new Update Portal.

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ATEQ TPMS Tools launches its first Webinar in Europe


ATEQ TPMS Tools is proud to announce the launch of its very first free, in-depth training sessions with exclusive TPMS cover topics. This first webinar will be held in German by Matthias Fröhlich, ATEQ TPMS Tools' new TPMS Sales Manager for Europe.

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Historical Snowstorm Filomena: Why Tyre Pressure is More Important Than Ever


The latest winter weather conditions, the Filomena storm, the great cold, the ice storm in Spain and France and finally rain, is a telltale that winter has really set in. Knowing that temperatures have a direct influence on tyre pressure.

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ATEQ TPMS Tools Announces Global Social Media Platforms


ATEQ TPMS Tools is proud to announce global social media platforms across four networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Tyre Tread Depth: What is it and Why it Matters


Measuring the Tyre Tread Depth is an important factor in vehicle maintenance. This article will go through exactly what tire tread is and how to manage it.

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Winter Tyres Mandatory in France in 2021: TPMS Required


Last year, ATEQ highlighted that winter tyres designed for harsh winter conditions would be made mandatory in certain regions of France. The related Decree has been published in the Official Journal - winter tyres will be officially compulsory from November 1, 2021 in 48 of France's 96 mainland departments.

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ATEQ TPMS Tools Launches ‘Live Sensor’ Platform, Creates Fastest Updating Portal


ATEQ TPMS Tools launches the first Live Sensor portal, allowing tool users to have the most up to date version of their tool.

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ATEQ TPMS Tools Appoints Matthias Froehlich to European TPMS Division


ATEQ TPMS Tools is excited to announce the appointment of Matthias Froehlich to the European TPMS Division, where he will maintain the EU market.

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